October 29, 2019
Seven years to the day after FRANKENDOM was first released, the sequel is finally up for purchase. Check out my FRANKENDOM DUET page for details and an excerpt!
This book was obviously much more difficult to write than I anticipated, and the biggest reason is that I needed to take my writing to the next level and learn to plot. And I did, but it took me forever to find a plotting method that worked for me. So yay, no more incredible disappearing plot!
My next major writing project--after harvest is finally done and the holidays are over--is scheduled to be Emilie Overnight. We'll see what my muse has to say about that. *GRIN*
Have an excellent Halloween!

FrankenDom's Monster released!
A Carnal Christmas released!
Amorous Overnight's releases at Samhain!
Not So Over Eli releases!
Amorous Overnight sold to Samhain!
FrankenDom releases at Samhain!
FrankenDom sold to Samhain!
Not So Tiny Tim releases!
FrankenDom indy release!
Carnal Compromise hits #1 on Samhain Publishing's bestseller list!
Carnal Compromise releases at Samhain Publishing!